Tuesday, April 13, 2010


OMG - I'm Free to do what i want, any old time....yeah, right!!! The children are back at school, so it gives me a few hours in the morning, to run around the house, and up and down the stairs like a crazed women (that is desperate to get on Facebook), cleaning. Time to walk the dog and enjoy the sunshine without anyone complaining their legs are hurting, and of course to drink endless cups of coffee (decaff of course), in PEACE & QUIET!!!
Actually, I could have several OMG's today,


1. My Car - It's now 13 years old and falling apart. It creaks more than me, and the
windows open and close automatically, without any switches (or not) whenever they feel for it. Perhaps i have a ghost in the car now too??? When the windows won't close, i park it in the town hoping someone might steal it.....and all the second hand clothes that are in it....still waiting to go to charity!!!

2. I've been a whole week without wine or chocolate. I've been having Blue Vodka
and crisps instead!!! (Not really)

3. I've spent hours reading about 'how to write a blog'....and 'how to generate cash from a blog'.....and i'm still none the wiser!!! It might actually help if i learn to copy & paste first!!! Every article i did read, which is a bit
late considering i've now been at it for 2 months stressed the
importance of good grammar' and uniqueness. Well ,i've kind of blended those last two together....my punctuation and spelling is unique!!!

4. I also decluttered the bedrooms, changed the bed around (why i never thought to put it that way, i will not know...now the kids have room to actually play!!!) AND cleaned my spice cupboard, fed up with things falling on my head, or smashing on the floor.

Of course i found hundreds (slight exaggeration) of pickled tomatoes/aubergines and other 'rather' lovely (not) 'Healthy Greek Foods', laden with ingredients such as sugar, glucose, citric acid, sirop....etc...etc and the actual fruit, which could be the healthy part...depending how long it's been sitting around in all that gunk!!!


I recently saw this article....asking do you drink too much, have feelings of worthless-ness and are addicted to shopping???
Isn't that most women these days middle aged or not??? It's all a viscous circle...we drink because we feel worthless, and then feel even worse so we become depressed. We then shop to make ourselves feel better, and when the credit card bills start coming in and we look in the mirror at our ever growing muffin top(wine bellie)..... we start drinking again!!!

Or for some...they lay in bed for 4 days in a row snorting cocaine with their husband!!! (KK) I mean who really wants to admit that???, Especially, when there are children concerned and custody issues.


I've been quite good. Walking the dog, except he stops every 2 mins to do his business, or sniff... (the vet said he should have stopped this habit once he was castrated!!! If only vets could do husbands too.) Maybe, if i actually stopped calling in for coffee & biscuits at friends houses along the route...i might actually burn off some calories!!!


I'm relieved that i no longer have to have 'Hannah Montana' on in the mornings....but miss 'The Jonas Brothers'....Now i get to hear all the latest on the news channels as i swiff. I always find the Greek news so entertaining, with their little boxes of people shouting across the screen to one another and nobody can actually get a word in, they just get louder and louder and LOUDER....!!!


People always ask you this question....after the one "how long have you been here"???'
to which i always reply "toooooo long!!!"

I MISS....of course family and friends (seeing all the children growing up, you miss out on all that)....one minute they are a cute bundle of blankets and pink, pink, pink ....the next it's all about the more flesh they can show (on their profile pics on facebook)....and black, black, black!!!

The pubs.....the wine bars....the clubs and working in the city. Earning a decent wage, although it usually was already spent on all of the above!!!

Scotch eggs, chips from the chippie, Captain Americas and Creme eggs....mmmmmmmmm!!! God, now i'm starving (again), and all i have in the fridge worth eating is Branston Pickle, which i managed to find today....!!!

You can actually find many products here these days....but i miss all those Pure Asia Spices, Meals in Minutes and sauces. I'm sure if i lived in England now, i would be twice the size, probably only able to shop in Evans!!!...Oh, and then of course, there is the shopping,......clothes are astronomically priced here, so a visit to Primark, and Next would be wonderful!!!

MOST OF US MISS THE ORGANISATION....how easy it is to go to the Post Office/bank/get an appointment at the Docs, Dentist, Opticians, Unemployment/Insurance Agency in the UK....but here, when dealing with any of these institutions or government organisations or medical concerns, nothing actually surprises you anymore!!! AND quite honestly they all need some bedside/office manner!!! Organisation, haha, most of them aren't even computerised yet. Records, what are they??? You could visit a doctor 10 times with the same complaint which you have to explain (again), and it's up to you to remember what he gave you the last time....difficult if you have Alzheimer's though!!!


Nude colours
are in....BUT from a distance that is exactly how you look. I had to make an emergency stop yesterday when the guy in front of me must of thought the lady walking down the street was completely starkers!!!...

AND REALLY OMG I HAVE TO GO TO BED, i've just rescued another hedgehog from the dog,(it's about the 10th in the last few days, unless it is the same one???) and i'm finding it hard enough getting out of bed in the mornings as it is, and dealing with a 3 year old hypochondriac with amazing acting abilities....that doesn't want to go to school!!!

Lots of Love

Tracey XXX

P.S. OMG i can't seem to use 'tabs' anymore, apart from at the local shop. Although, they must be missing me now, as there has been no late night visits for wine lately!!! AND the last one is PLEASE join me on Facebook, The NOT so Greek Goddess (Fan) Group!!! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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