Thursday, March 4, 2010


The last time i went to see The Bone Man - Doc was when i had a sprained ankle. Which was caused by a sudden decision that i should start jogging. I then went out and bought new trainers and everything. I felt that i should go undercover in the dark the first few times until i wasn't quite so wobbly...and out of breath. However, after only 5 mins not only was i panting soo much, and my heart was racing i had also managed to trip and fall...resulting in a month of stumbling around chasing toddlers round swimming pools in pain!!! Never to jog the dark or in it's all on the wii....and i can read my book at the same time!!!

So anyway, back to the Bone Man,( the Doc who called me a 'rabbit' the last visit and asked if i was Catholic when i replied to the no. of children i had) was actually quite sweet, and made little tutting noises and kept saying mmm "difficult...difficult "...when he realised i also had a Greek husband and i would need to rest my arm for a while!!!

To cut a long story short, it has also resulted in my lack of blogging this week due to hand/arm/shoulder pain....i was a little bit worried it was caused by my posture on the lap-top and my fast typing!!!...however, it has actually been sore for 2 mths....and having self diagnosed myself on the internet from having a swollen armpit to thinking i had a brain tumour i finally went to get it sorted out!!!

OMG would really be ..... is it Friday already???, the week has gone by in a cloud, not a nice little puffy, springy white lamb one...but more of a gloomy, dark, grey oppressive one!!!

HAIR COLOUR - does it define your personality???
I was asking myself this question....i am now 'two toned' in a reddy blonde, i used to be the ultimate 'ginger nut' as a child, and then i went 'Born Blonde', (and my life changed!!!) and although i haven't dyed it in years and it's pure Mediterranean 'sun in' has left me a bit of both, red & blonde = strawberry blonde. Which explains things, split personalities (unless i really do have bi-polar)....the fiery short tempered redheaded side and the rather dizzy, fun blonde part of me. I think i might need some highlights/lowlights for my other personalities too!!!

Then i began thinking about all the series i like with women in....Desperate Housewives, Friends, Sex in the City ,etc, etc....and there is a blonde, redhead, brunnette in all of them, the only one who is an inbetweener is Rachel from friends...sort of a brown/blonde.....Who would you compare youself to....and why??? I would like to be Carrie from Sex in the city...a writer, dreamer, a good friend to her friends and of course she gets Mr Big in the end!!! Would not be able to walk let alone run though in Jimmy Choos....!!! But Samatha has the best lines, so incredibly funny!!!

and most of them too rude to print...!!! However, this one doesn't have the 'f' word in....

Carrie :- I'm not going to replace a man with some battery operated device.

Miranda:- You haven't met 'The Rabbit'

Samatha:- Oh come on, if you're going to get a vibrator, at least get one called 'The Horse' !!!

The Oscars are coming up, i can remember watching The Golden Globes, eating a packet of crisps thinking....oh well by the time the Oscars are on i'll be looking as good as the nominees....but i won't of course the only difference is i need a bigger chair to sit on and larger size packet of crisps to fill me!!!

I haven't really been doing 'funny' this week...and haven't found any really good clips. The only film that has made me laugh out loud and really giggle uncontrollably was 'It's Complicated' with Meryl Streep & Alec Baldwin.....i really liked it. Especially when she is throwing up and he is telling her how he likes the fact she no longer has bikini waxes...and shes gone all 'native'.

Well most women i know go 'native' all winter, saves a lot of time and husbands/partners complaining where there razors/shaving gels have gone. Plus it keeps you warm. And who has ever really found a hair removal cream 'sweet smelling and pleasantly scented'??? smells revolting and only acts as a man deterrent.....which also can be useful at times....not tonight darling, i've got to do my moustache!!! they'll stay well away!!! plus you automatically lose weight when you decide to de-fuzz!!!.....AND why is it that as you get older you suddenly start sprouting hairs that you never had before???, whilst the male species shed most of there hairs on the bathroom floor everyday....and it takes you hours to clean up after them!!!

Certain German politicians have suggested that Greece sell it's islands...(can you imagine...???) and the Acropolis to pay of it's debts.....are they forgetting what they did to the Greeks in the Second World War, and what they stole etc..etc.. and what the English did to...i haven't forgotton about the marbles' ......Have a feeling with comments like this the German tourists will not be too popular this year...i've already had snide remarks from an insurance office, as i didn't have the photos (never mattered before), but he said "oh to do it the English way now".... I should of turned round and said "oh organised and efficient then!!!".
He isn't even Greek.....!!!

That's it from me....nite, nite.
Lots of Love
Tracey XXX

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