It's been another fun filled week in the life and times of theNOT so Greek has been spent at The Doctors, where i seem to have spent looooooong hours waiting, and missing out on valuable coffee time. My children aren't really sick (just snuffles), but I was told one had a 'mass' (i almost fainted), but translated basically meant some meat in her passage!!! (enlarged adenoids).... having sat for 2 hrs waiting for x-rays, with most of the island. My children kept the masses entertained by sticking their fingers up their noses and singing xmas carols....ahhhhhh and all i could think about was how i could distract the large lady in front (who needed everything done) so i could push past and ... Of course i knew this would be like trying to cross a barbwired electric fence, and i had no chance....especially as she had come all the way from the village (10 mins down the road!!!)
I then spent hours at another Doc...and then another....and then another.....!!! Finally getting an appointment in a months time, with a Doc which I later found out can't help me anyway. Funny isn't it, we live on an island where medicine was born, The Island of Hippocrates....and the first hospital, and from most angles they don't seem to have actually progressed very far....shock treatment, instead of snakes seems to be the use of a sharp instrument before the anaesthetic has had chance to work!!! (Also met another British lady who had encountered the same nasty surgeon who removed my mole...she had her stomach slashed open though....even worse...ouchhhhhh!!!!)
As for politicians....(especially candidates for elections hoping to get votes) well, they certainly know how to dodge questions and smile alot when the camera is around! They may not be 'Harry Potters' and create magic, but they do seem to know how to suck blood out of most of us (and money), so wouldn't a vampire be more appropriate? Or is that comparison too nice, perhaps a tick would be better!!! WE HAVE WAYS OF MAKING YOU VOTE.....!!! (Tea & biscuits and they think we are hooked!!!)......WE HAVE THE MONEY.....!!! Really surprising, considering the scale of the economic crisis, has the local council being playing the 'Stoixima' too??? Everyone else on the island (male), seems to have a mad obssesion about it, and it won't be long before there are no Cafe Neons....and only gambling outlets....they are the only ones making money....whilst the Greek population are losing theirs hoping for a miracle!!!
I actually got out to attend a meeting this week, and not only realised that when the cameras for the local television were around, i was caught talking about the joys of Blue Vodka...and then went on to spill all the hot water over the counter, and tried to mop it up with napkins, and managed to knock over the coffee too, and then after all that there was no milk left!!! You see, i don't get out very often, so i was even more amused that my friend had saved me a seat ( right at the front....and there was me just wanting to blend into the background and have a sleep), but no, next to the oldest swinger in town.....who kept asking me personal questions and getting up all the time to refill his cup and plate. Guess, i would have been joining him, had it been wine on offer and spring rolls???
So an eventful week, followed by a wonderful treatment, an aromatherapy massage. A beautiful present from my friend the therapist herself. Where i could stretch out and be pampered and tell her all my woes. I was there for a while!!! Infact, Miss P should actually charge extra for this service, not just a massage bed, but a couch too.....she is not just excellent with her hands, but a great listener and would make a great shrink!!!
I had a fit of the giggles though, when i realised i could not actually move my arms and turn over quite so easily or daintly.....and could see myself having to explain that one to the teachers at school why i was late again....Instead, i just arrived flushed and greasy from the beautiful smelling oils......!!!
I must admit i did shave my legs and put some moisteriser on before hand, incase the bristles attacked her hands, and i am very shy about taking my clothes off infront of anyone....and spent half an hour trying to find some decent nickers that weren't grey/saggy and with holes. I did notice that they have become soo big lately that they really should be ironed!!! I also considered wearing an all-in-one and refusing to take it off!!!
If you have one of those awful spots, that you've tried everything to cover....concealer, foundation, powder....and a paper bag, then just count to ten and get a big pair of earings....i mean huge the bigger the better. No-one will notice your spot believe me (or the paper bag!!!)
Seriously cracked & bleeding, split nails & smelling of chlorine
Obviously a house that is spotless and should be featured in 'Beautiful Homes' can eat your food from the windows and floors!!!Slightly dry with reasonable nails.........generally clean and tidy, but cleaning is not the major priority and perhaps coffee mornings and social networks are!!!
Smooth, manicured and smelling of roses....
they've obviously got a cleaner!!!....The house is waxed and polished to perfection .....ORthe women of the house couldn't care less and you can write your name in the dust and she never cleans..............????
So if you can tell (possibly) the state of house by your hands then, what about your car???.....God, if that was the case anyone who's seen mine would not even step across the threshold....Infact I could hold a car boot sale with what's in it, not even intentionally.....!!!Children are back to the ironing board for me....catch you later.....
Headlines....Britain is hotter than Greece.....??? I can believe it, it's been freezing here the last few days.
Lots of Love
Tracey XXX
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