Yesterday, was the above...a global day for celebrating economic, political & social achievements of women past, present and future....(since 1911). Thousand of events are held throughout the world to 'inspire' women......some have a theme....
Just Like ours.....a good excuse to go out,(and not do the ironing), eat 'erotica' pizza (and generally stuff our faces), drink carafes of wine (actually i think i was the only one on my side of the table actually drinking it, and that's why i have pink eyes today, nothing to do with conjunctivitis!!!) ...and talk about Facebook. A friend said we spend most of our day on it, and then come out and talk about it....true, although, i haven't got a farm/pond/or a zoo (and don't want stop sending me gifts)!!!
Oh, i forgot & have raffles (which i never win.....)and play quizzes which makes me realise how utterly 'thick' i have become, as the only answer i got correct (for the other team), was where would you find Wisteria Lane.... i mean why weren't there any medical questions???....i've become such an expert having watched McDreamy....i could probably do brain surgery too!!!
So, today i have spent hours draped over encyclopedias, history, geography books and general knowledge questions & tonight i will be revising trivial pursuit answers. All so that i am well prepared for the next time!!! Or maybe we can just have a quiz on the programmes i watch whilst ironing (please???)
I'm always telling the children to be more organised.....don't leave everything to the last minute....but there i was running around last night trying to find a mini market that sold 40 denier black tights...i ended up at the supermarket, BUT no way was i going to wear American Tan, but the only ones they had were footless, so i think i looked like s'thing out of the 80's.
I also thought i could squeeze into my M & S faithful black trousers of circa 1990's, but the button popped, and i had to resort to a skirt, one in which had gone 'furry' in the wash. By this time i had forgotten about the sparkly green eyeliner....that didn't go at all with the purple ......
and why is it my children wouldn't go to sleep when they were supposed to, could it have been they're mothers behaviour, i.e. throwing things out of drawers, and complaining she didn't have anything to wear at the top of her voice!!!??? Thank god for at least i could get out the door unnoticed. Of course what you wear doesn't really matter....especially if you've put your 'booster' on, nobody actually can see anything else!!! ...and once you've had a few glasses of wine you don't care anyway.....!!!
My favourite dress (because that's what it's all about...haha)...had to be Cameron Diaz, and of course as soon as i saw it, i went up to my wardrobe to see if i had anything remotely like it....i did, a clutch bag...(my sister bought it for me) that would only just cover my chest...if that!!! But still...
Plenty of hotties at the Oscars too many men too little time....most of them 'divine'...!!!
Must say though Sarah Jessica Parker....what were you thinking?, ....she's waisted away....and looked like she was wearing an expensive sack of potatoes. I mean there was me thinking it was just me struggling with bulimia/anorexia the only difference is i can't seem to be sick after all the binging!!! ...
Can become an addiction...but it can also become a life-line....(obviously not for the ones who have been stabbed to death or shot by jealous lovers/husbands)....but for us...most of you reading my blog. For me, especially when i've been 'stuck at home' with small/big children that are ill or if i am, or the weather is to bad....or just because. AND thanks to Facebook, i now have a life......instead of cleaning/cooking/all morning, i now spend my time either talking to my friends on here.....or arranging to see's GREAT!!! Wonderful also to be in touch with soo many friends from the past....i possibly am an addict, but rather Facebook than E-Bay, at least i don't spend any money!!!
Although today my retail therapy was very 'economic' it involved filling up imaginary trolleys at Asda & Tesco's....for about 2 hrs......You really miss BIG supermarkets when you live 'over-seas'....and pickle & gravy...amongst others.....(creme eggs and caramels too- although i'm trying soo hard not to think about chocolate today..!!!...)
is officially starting....although have not been able to do any exercise today, due to excess food and drink last night.....but have walked up and down the stairs many times today as i keep forgetting things.....and thinking i'm in this room, but why???
I keep opening the fridge too, an automatic motion when entering the kitchen.....and getting depressed when the only sweet thing i can find is diet yogurts. This is it though, fed up with everything being too tight, and summer is coming, and although it's too late for the bikini diet (would of needed to start that year's ago), i am hoping to get rid of a few 'extra' kilo's. My wii instructor has probably grown a pony-tail and i'm still trying to reach the goal i set for myself a year ago!!! But nevermind, I have been inspired though by other Facebook friends who are doing so well ......
Need an early night and my head is so full of 'information' (that i won't remember in the morning) so....night night
Lots of Love
Tracey XXX
P.S. Can't find my Thesaurus that's why there isn't many loooooong words today!!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
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