Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Robbie Williams.
Sooo OMG i am really enjoying finding the meaning of Easter again. Finally being able to explain things to the children, not just that we have chocolate eggs because the Easter Bunny brings them!!! I stopped watching all those films they put on at Easter years ago, too depressing. So, although my older children tell me i basically write a load of crap, i am actually learning and researching at the same time. Who cares if nobody reads it!!! Although, i've had quite a few people reading my profile lately, or could it be me registering myself, as i keep changing what i've written....???
The thing is i wanted to be more SERIOUS on the 'little Island' one, but it seems i still have to have the same profile as the 'Not Greek Goddess'. I would have liked a more prim & proper picture aswell...not one with a drink in my hand!!! Anyway.....who cares, it's all a bit of fun and passes the time. I really should be jogging though instead of typing, the web camera's are not exactly profile friendly, i have about ten chins!!! Not to mention the little pimple that turned into an extra one too (chin)!!!
So, we are on Big Wednesday, what happens today???...I'm not actually sure. Church, i guess in the evening. We are making our Easter Biscuits (again) this afternoon, and some decorations for a branch that we found in the forest.
Tomorrow it's red egg day, Friday it's lentil and vinegar soup day...and a day of mourning, and processions through the streets with the coffin (like a mini four poster bed) of the Icon of Christ, covered with beautiful flowers.
And then it's Easter Saturday, most people are feeling a bit shaky by this time, no alcohol, no sex and practically no food in the last week. So when the priest finally announces Christ has arisen at midnight, and the 'bombs/fire-crackers' go off and all the dogs are howling, and the children are scared, is it no wonder everyone rushes home with their candle of eternal light......... to eat.
Just a shame that traditionally it is 'Hairy Soup' as we nick name it. Lemony soup which has had the 'bit's of goats/lambs simmering away in it. (quite often the head) Sorry, but i really don't like it, and it smells revolting and makes me feel sick!!! It's bad enough going to the butchers this week and being faced with all the hanging goats/lambs pigs, and all the heads sitting there....and eyeballs (which i'm told are really good for you, yuck!!!), and then of course there is the meat you put on a spit which has the innards tied around it.....
It is however, lovely being in Greece at Easter, because there are soo many traditions that combine food with religion, and the celebrations on Easter Saturday that go on till the Monday are something else. It's a time for feasting and being with the ones you love, friends and family.
Spring is in the air, the weather is usually good, and the grass certainly looks green. If you try and forget about how the economic situation is!!!
So apart from obviously Easter coming, there are a number of things going on in the news such as.......
A recent magazine i bought had an article on 'Lazy tips for a good marriage'...the ones that i found amusing were.
Share a bath together.....god, we would never fit anymore, and would fight over who was sitting at the plug end!!!
Kiss with your eyes open....not possible, how would i be able to imagine he was a doctor on Grey's Anatomy???
Repeat his last few words of the sentence back to him, so he knows you're being attentive. Well, that's easy enough, it's the same conversation (you know it off by heart) moaning about the Greek Economy etc!!! Followed by a few religious words...Christos and Panagia mou!!! (similar to our of for gods sake....and Mary's....!!!)
And 'see' each others favourite tv programmes 'together'....well, i thought if i could hear his (from upstairs) isn't that enough, do i really have to watch it too??? And by the time i've explained who everyone is in mine, it will be over, especially if it's 'Lost'!!!
Fashion Tip, most people will have new clothes in Greece and shoes, for Easter, if you are like me and still waiting to start the 'after xmas diet', wait a bit longer to buy any new ones.....then you can gorge yourself silly on chocolate, wear kaftans (with polo necks if it's cold)....and then start again after Easter, you really don't want to have to shop at Evans or the Greek equivalent. We are aiming at looking like celebs by July!!!....I'm not sure how yet though!!!
Still men 'celebs' are having all the fun, just not with their wives!!! ....and then going to re-hab, to avoid the ones they've been cheating on, easy way out!!!
For Twilight fans there is a new book coming out on June 5th, don't get excited though, it's about a vampire i can't even recall...Bree Tanner??? Anyway, better than nothing i guess. Apparently though if you go on Meyers website she is also drafting 'Midnight Sun' which explores Edwards mind....that sounds better, she has no plans to finish it or publish it though which seems odd??? We all would much rather read about him!!!
Well that's it from me, i'm shattered it's all this cleaning and baking...!!! Quite upset this morning when my swiffer broke, snapped, I did attempt to fix it, but it didn't survive very long. Will have to get a new one, and we had become soooo attached!!! It really won't be the same. I know you're gonna say there are plenty of swiffers in the supermarket.....but really, i just can't imagine one quite like mine!!!
Goodnight all, i wonder if anyone will realise i've eaten all the biscuits, i'll have to get some shop ones and rough them up a bit tomorrow to replace them, hopefully they won't realise!!! I've managed to stay away from the chocolate eggs though, just have to replace the cooking chocolate (twice) instead.
Lots of Love
Tracey XXX
Saturday, March 27, 2010
PART 2 (???)
If you ever set your foot in my door at this time in the morning (after school run), you would be(like me) in 'shock and awe' and wondering if the place had been burgled. That's how bad it is. I really could do with a small tractor with a scoop on the back, just to go around picking things up, ranging from cornflakes that have been tread into the rugs, Polly Pocket (every Mothers horror) and discarded clothes....a mountain of them.....on floors and chairs, and i thought girls were supposed to be tidy???
It's no wonder i feel the need to get out for coffee (and air) fast most days!!! The sooner the as not to look at it!!!
Coffee mornings, well with beautiful and funny friends like mine (you have to have a certain personality to live on this island, and a good sense of humour!!!), it's a bit like 'Friends' meets 'Sex in the City'...meets 'Desperate Housewives' although 'Desperate' only in the sense that there are not enough hours in the day.....and most us are pretty desperate to get off 'The Island'....for a few hrs at least. You get to the point where 25KM of beautiful landscape, sea and mountains just doesn't do it for you want Marks & Spencers, Tesco's and a few wines/pints or pints of wine even, at your (old) Local Pub!!!
BY THE WAY, most of us are seriously depressed by now and eating stones.....!!!(but, we always find money for a cup of coffee....somehow....!!!)
MARCH is usually a difficult time for 'us' Islanders ( who's businesses are only open from May-October, even though we still have to pay rent, taxes,and now more taxes, and probably more taxes on top of those taxes...!!!) and insurance...which is are pockets are pretty empty and we're hanging on just with our Visa cards...counting the days till the planes start coming!!!!
Usually (after coffee) i am then seen sprinting over someones grass....main park... in the hope that i will not get reprimanded (again) for being slightly late to pick up one of the children from school.
LUNCHTIME in our house you need a microphone to speak, but ear plugs i usually find more useful!!!....You're lucky you actually get chance to eat, because it's pass this, pass that...up and down to the get what I've forgotten to put on the table, left in the microwave or fridge!!! Or sometimes it's still at the etc etc!!!
Afternoons, depending on the weather and how much energy is left after exhausting housework and endless drinking of coffee, can be spent at the park. If only they would supply headgear and knee pads, as my children seem to be always falling over and again rescue remedy comes in handy as does plasters and antiseptic cream. The beach and the sea is another option,and usually safer, which we are lucky to have so close by, and are surrounded by it!!!
Home to eat (again) Monopoly/Snakes and Ladders etc etc...watching the clock on countdown to bedtime. BUT you've still got bath time to survive yet!!! God help you if it's a hair wash beginning to think that once a month is quite acceptable, natural oils and all.
Is it no wonder by the time you read your little ones a story, you're lucky you don't fall asleep before Mr McGregor gets to the Greenhouse....but you can't as you've still got to pick up/take your other children somewhere, and all you want is a relaxing bath and a (few) chilled glass(es) of wine.
But no, you force yourself into doing your Wii feel mildly chuffed when the instructor tells you, you have fantastic abbs, and you get so good at the step, you are able to write your shopping list for the next day at the same time!!!
NEXT comes the ironing, which if you have something decent to watch it's not so bad....(but it's a bit like sex at our's not so bad once you're doing it, but the thought of it sometimes can be daunting!!!)
Although you love your husband/partner, by the time everyone is finally in bed, and you have some 'me' perhaps obsess over the latest Vampire book, or read magazine articles on 'How to Survive the Menopause'....and you've had a few glasses of wine to unwind, all you really want to do is SLEEP!!!
SO ON THAT NOTE...GOODNIGHT ....but (P.S) i have a New Blog called 'A little GREEK ISLAND' - photographs and diary. The reason for this is i'm hoping to be offered free coffee from all the places i mention....(i told you, times are tough!!!)
Summer is on it's way, AND you can always change your religion and wear a Burka/Full body dress if you've left it too late for that ideal bikini body...!!! Also you would save vast amounts on sunscreen protection.
NEWS - HONESTLY- HAVE NOT HAD MUCH TIME TO WATCH/LISTEN.....too busy with other things??? But will have a read up now, whilst waiting for my daughters to come back from a nightclub/school party.
Lots of Love
Tracey XXX
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Clive Owen :: Screen Talk
PLEASE IF YOU HAVE ANY MEN YOU WANT FEATURED....GO TO facebook The NOT so Greek Goddess (fan) Group and discussions it's all a bit of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
UP...UP....AND AWAY !!!
AND no matter how organised i am (or try to be), whilst half running and dragging the kids after me, i have to do it all backwards as i've usally forgotton something, or lost my keys/purse/tissues/phone....!!! and of course MY HEAD!!!
It's no wonder you want to punch the air/do a silly dance once they are behind those school walls. The relief the emphoria!!! The fact that you love your children 'more than space', but you really need some of your own......Then you get in the car and drive, the silence is deafening, the windows down, the breeze in your hair and you can sing...and it's not Old McDonald....!!! You drive on auto-pilot, so busy thinking about what you're going to cook today
a) something quick and you are going out for coffee
b) something quick and you are going to be at home cleaning/on Facebook
(all fresh of course, and healthy....!!!)
that you realise you are outside your front door and you've forgotton to stop at the supermarket, butcher, greengrocer....baker!!! off you go again!!! Back to the butchers where the men are talking about (the football results), the greengrocers (where the women are talking about the delights they are serving up at lunch time) and the bakers...where any gossip goes!!!
You finally make it home (again), laden down with the bags and the receipts...which of course are piling up and taking over your drawers....cupboards...and...houses!!! What we are actually going to do with them who knows, another aim from the Greek Government to make sure nobody is fiddling them??? I even got a petrol receipt yesterday, the first time ever.....!!!...I'm not sure our accountant is going to be too happy when i give him the suitcase of receipts i've collected so far....and thats just milk and yoghurts for a family of 6.....!!!
PART 2...will follow....Coffee Mornings....Afternoon frenzies and BEDTIME!!!
SO enough of my mornings....lets talk about....???
What't in the news??? Ummm again scandals, politics and possibly World War 3. I sat watching a debate on Greek TV last night comparing the Prime Minister of Germany, to Adolf Hitler....!!!
They've really take the Acropolis comment to another context....!!!
FASHION bold colours are in so, avoid block and go for patterns if you are on the larger side, helps confuse the eye...It's that time of year when you wished you started your diet earlier, because it won't be long until we have to get our arms and legs out. Scary experience, and daunting for a few days, and you feel completly naked without layers and lycra!!!
(It's also a religious day too - Annunciation of the Virgin Mary, Evangelismos Day)....
A National Holiday, on this day in 1821, the Greek Flag was hoisted in defiance to the Turks.
It is a day where there are church services, parades and wreath laying in memory of those who lost their lives for their country.
Today in the schools children sang about the Revolution, poems were read, and history is remembered!!!
My daughter read a poem today, a comment was made by the ladies in front about a boy wearing short sleeves....(it was a beautiful day) 'dropeeeeee'!!!! (terrible) it was, my daughter was also the other one....the fact they only told us the day before what they needed to wear wasn't exactly was lucky i found something white!!! (which didn't stay white for very long, must get some Vanish!!!)
I'm hoping to get the other computer working as now it's officially Easter Holidays in Greece, and i doubt i'll get much chance to be blogging....far too many things to do and make!!! Traditional cheese pies, biscuits, dying eggs....and of course Hot Cross Buns!!! Will cover all the reasons why they do this in my next blog, all i know is that usually my next door neighbour brings me the cheese pies, which i manage to pass off as my own.....the biscuits we've made and eaten several times so there is never any left by Easter, and the eggs i've not only dyed every wooden spoon in the house red, my hands, and usually every saucepan in the cupboard!!!
I LOVE EASTER IN GREECE.....It really is wonderful....(especially if you try and forget about all those fluffy lambs and sheep you've been feeding for the last few months)...that you'll be serving for Easter Sunday. I always make Lasanga....!!! A big cow seems soooo much less vunerable!!!
Lots of Love
Tracey XXX
Friday, March 19, 2010
It's been another fun filled week in the life and times of theNOT so Greek has been spent at The Doctors, where i seem to have spent looooooong hours waiting, and missing out on valuable coffee time. My children aren't really sick (just snuffles), but I was told one had a 'mass' (i almost fainted), but translated basically meant some meat in her passage!!! (enlarged adenoids).... having sat for 2 hrs waiting for x-rays, with most of the island. My children kept the masses entertained by sticking their fingers up their noses and singing xmas carols....ahhhhhh and all i could think about was how i could distract the large lady in front (who needed everything done) so i could push past and ... Of course i knew this would be like trying to cross a barbwired electric fence, and i had no chance....especially as she had come all the way from the village (10 mins down the road!!!)
I then spent hours at another Doc...and then another....and then another.....!!! Finally getting an appointment in a months time, with a Doc which I later found out can't help me anyway. Funny isn't it, we live on an island where medicine was born, The Island of Hippocrates....and the first hospital, and from most angles they don't seem to have actually progressed very far....shock treatment, instead of snakes seems to be the use of a sharp instrument before the anaesthetic has had chance to work!!! (Also met another British lady who had encountered the same nasty surgeon who removed my mole...she had her stomach slashed open though....even worse...ouchhhhhh!!!!)
As for politicians....(especially candidates for elections hoping to get votes) well, they certainly know how to dodge questions and smile alot when the camera is around! They may not be 'Harry Potters' and create magic, but they do seem to know how to suck blood out of most of us (and money), so wouldn't a vampire be more appropriate? Or is that comparison too nice, perhaps a tick would be better!!! WE HAVE WAYS OF MAKING YOU VOTE.....!!! (Tea & biscuits and they think we are hooked!!!)......WE HAVE THE MONEY.....!!! Really surprising, considering the scale of the economic crisis, has the local council being playing the 'Stoixima' too??? Everyone else on the island (male), seems to have a mad obssesion about it, and it won't be long before there are no Cafe Neons....and only gambling outlets....they are the only ones making money....whilst the Greek population are losing theirs hoping for a miracle!!!
I actually got out to attend a meeting this week, and not only realised that when the cameras for the local television were around, i was caught talking about the joys of Blue Vodka...and then went on to spill all the hot water over the counter, and tried to mop it up with napkins, and managed to knock over the coffee too, and then after all that there was no milk left!!! You see, i don't get out very often, so i was even more amused that my friend had saved me a seat ( right at the front....and there was me just wanting to blend into the background and have a sleep), but no, next to the oldest swinger in town.....who kept asking me personal questions and getting up all the time to refill his cup and plate. Guess, i would have been joining him, had it been wine on offer and spring rolls???
So an eventful week, followed by a wonderful treatment, an aromatherapy massage. A beautiful present from my friend the therapist herself. Where i could stretch out and be pampered and tell her all my woes. I was there for a while!!! Infact, Miss P should actually charge extra for this service, not just a massage bed, but a couch too.....she is not just excellent with her hands, but a great listener and would make a great shrink!!!
I had a fit of the giggles though, when i realised i could not actually move my arms and turn over quite so easily or daintly.....and could see myself having to explain that one to the teachers at school why i was late again....Instead, i just arrived flushed and greasy from the beautiful smelling oils......!!!
I must admit i did shave my legs and put some moisteriser on before hand, incase the bristles attacked her hands, and i am very shy about taking my clothes off infront of anyone....and spent half an hour trying to find some decent nickers that weren't grey/saggy and with holes. I did notice that they have become soo big lately that they really should be ironed!!! I also considered wearing an all-in-one and refusing to take it off!!!
If you have one of those awful spots, that you've tried everything to cover....concealer, foundation, powder....and a paper bag, then just count to ten and get a big pair of earings....i mean huge the bigger the better. No-one will notice your spot believe me (or the paper bag!!!)
Seriously cracked & bleeding, split nails & smelling of chlorine
Obviously a house that is spotless and should be featured in 'Beautiful Homes' can eat your food from the windows and floors!!!Slightly dry with reasonable nails.........generally clean and tidy, but cleaning is not the major priority and perhaps coffee mornings and social networks are!!!
Smooth, manicured and smelling of roses....
they've obviously got a cleaner!!!....The house is waxed and polished to perfection .....ORthe women of the house couldn't care less and you can write your name in the dust and she never cleans..............????
So if you can tell (possibly) the state of house by your hands then, what about your car???.....God, if that was the case anyone who's seen mine would not even step across the threshold....Infact I could hold a car boot sale with what's in it, not even intentionally.....!!!Children are back to the ironing board for me....catch you later.....
Headlines....Britain is hotter than Greece.....??? I can believe it, it's been freezing here the last few days.
Lots of Love
Tracey XXX
Monday, March 15, 2010
zac effron
Sadly, i am old enough to be his mother.... :(
Sunday, March 14, 2010
OMG is that i found the best 'hottie' video clip with all my favourites in one room....i've watched it soo many times and it brings sunshine & smiles, amongst other things!!! (and pleasant dreams). Take a look, it's on Youtube 'The Handsome Mens Club''re watching it...first comes McDreamy (Patrick Dempsey...and then and then and then and then.......!!! and it's funny too.
My week flew past with the usual flow of coffee and great friends, but with the added addition of plastic!!! I cannot believe i now get excited about little boxes that seal and gadgets that do amazing things (and yes it was tupperware party and not an Ann Summers one!). When you start getting enthusiastic about such things, you suddenly become aware of how much you have matured, both inside/outside...well that's if you didn't keep getting told of for talking/fondling items/& making rude jokes!!! You also have to be pretty well off to be able to afford it these days...
The diet was going remarkably well (day 2) until the chocolate tarte came out....well it did have fruit on the top, possibly could be counted as one of my daily 5???
It seems to have been on every night this week???..................which is fine when you've got a good book but not when you just want to veg on the sofa and stare mindlesly at anything other than men in shorts however fit they are....running around chasing a ball. Sorry but those days are over for me, i have lost all enthusiasm for this sport, they get paid far too much money!!!
I finally finished the last book in the vampire series....and dozed off to sleep dreaming of floating through forests & being surrounded by them.....Isn't it strange that since Twilight, instead of women having nightmares we now have fantasies....and instead of running away, we now want to be bitten!!! "Yes bite me, bite me....arhhhhhhh"!!!
I have hundreds of books upstairs on the 'to read' pile, but nothing i doubt that compares to these....I am feeling at a loss now, you can't wait to find out the ending but when it's finished you feel like all the air has gone out of you, deflated and depressed and wanting more.
NEWS IN BRIEF - actually it will be (brief) as i am now laptopless.....(another reason for feeling slightly suicidal)....the 'ghost' dropped it, and the monitor is now damaged, so it will only work via another screen on a desk.....just not the same is it? Once you've had one, it's kinda hard to go back to the desk....i got used to 'working' in the 'field' /reading newspapers online all over the house, but especially snuggled up in bed & i miss it...sob, sob.
So quickly, entertainment wise, because everything else is soo bloody depressing....(i.e all the new VAT and prices in Greece)....and all the men who can't keep their pants on and.........
So I'm pleased to announce that it's not too long away till Sex in The City film no 2 will be released (ok another 2 mths)...but something to look forward to in bleak times, and plenty of hot men of course!!! Chris North, Jason Lewis and Max Ryan...and many more.
Also for Robert Pattinson (Edward) fans, in his latest film he appears 'steamy in the shower'!!!
and whilst we are talking of men, the average British male is said to be spending 13 hrs a week as a domestic god, that is quite impressive......with taking out the rubbish as the 'top' job & carrying the shopping from the car....Helloooo, since when is that a domestic job....what about the real heavy work....and how many hours does the average 'man' spend in the bathroom....but does he ever clean it???
Also articles i quickly looked at were 'How to transform your outfit from school run to working mum'....??? Well that's easy, just take off your heels & put on some rubber gloves....!!! (in my case)....
AND last, I cannot believe it is a whole year since Jade Goody died, how terribly sad, but on a positive note 400,000 women have been screened for cervial cancer, many of these women wouldn't have if it wasn't for her....she has saved no doubt, hundreds of lives & has continued doing so after her death. My thoughts go out to her family and her little boys.....
Lots of Love
Tracey XXX
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Yesterday, was the above...a global day for celebrating economic, political & social achievements of women past, present and future....(since 1911). Thousand of events are held throughout the world to 'inspire' women......some have a theme....
Just Like ours.....a good excuse to go out,(and not do the ironing), eat 'erotica' pizza (and generally stuff our faces), drink carafes of wine (actually i think i was the only one on my side of the table actually drinking it, and that's why i have pink eyes today, nothing to do with conjunctivitis!!!) ...and talk about Facebook. A friend said we spend most of our day on it, and then come out and talk about it....true, although, i haven't got a farm/pond/or a zoo (and don't want stop sending me gifts)!!!
Oh, i forgot & have raffles (which i never win.....)and play quizzes which makes me realise how utterly 'thick' i have become, as the only answer i got correct (for the other team), was where would you find Wisteria Lane.... i mean why weren't there any medical questions???....i've become such an expert having watched McDreamy....i could probably do brain surgery too!!!
So, today i have spent hours draped over encyclopedias, history, geography books and general knowledge questions & tonight i will be revising trivial pursuit answers. All so that i am well prepared for the next time!!! Or maybe we can just have a quiz on the programmes i watch whilst ironing (please???)
I'm always telling the children to be more organised.....don't leave everything to the last minute....but there i was running around last night trying to find a mini market that sold 40 denier black tights...i ended up at the supermarket, BUT no way was i going to wear American Tan, but the only ones they had were footless, so i think i looked like s'thing out of the 80's.
I also thought i could squeeze into my M & S faithful black trousers of circa 1990's, but the button popped, and i had to resort to a skirt, one in which had gone 'furry' in the wash. By this time i had forgotten about the sparkly green eyeliner....that didn't go at all with the purple ......
and why is it my children wouldn't go to sleep when they were supposed to, could it have been they're mothers behaviour, i.e. throwing things out of drawers, and complaining she didn't have anything to wear at the top of her voice!!!??? Thank god for at least i could get out the door unnoticed. Of course what you wear doesn't really matter....especially if you've put your 'booster' on, nobody actually can see anything else!!! ...and once you've had a few glasses of wine you don't care anyway.....!!!
My favourite dress (because that's what it's all about...haha)...had to be Cameron Diaz, and of course as soon as i saw it, i went up to my wardrobe to see if i had anything remotely like it....i did, a clutch bag...(my sister bought it for me) that would only just cover my chest...if that!!! But still...
Plenty of hotties at the Oscars too many men too little time....most of them 'divine'...!!!
Must say though Sarah Jessica Parker....what were you thinking?, ....she's waisted away....and looked like she was wearing an expensive sack of potatoes. I mean there was me thinking it was just me struggling with bulimia/anorexia the only difference is i can't seem to be sick after all the binging!!! ...
Can become an addiction...but it can also become a life-line....(obviously not for the ones who have been stabbed to death or shot by jealous lovers/husbands)....but for us...most of you reading my blog. For me, especially when i've been 'stuck at home' with small/big children that are ill or if i am, or the weather is to bad....or just because. AND thanks to Facebook, i now have a life......instead of cleaning/cooking/all morning, i now spend my time either talking to my friends on here.....or arranging to see's GREAT!!! Wonderful also to be in touch with soo many friends from the past....i possibly am an addict, but rather Facebook than E-Bay, at least i don't spend any money!!!
Although today my retail therapy was very 'economic' it involved filling up imaginary trolleys at Asda & Tesco's....for about 2 hrs......You really miss BIG supermarkets when you live 'over-seas'....and pickle & gravy...amongst others.....(creme eggs and caramels too- although i'm trying soo hard not to think about chocolate today..!!!...)
is officially starting....although have not been able to do any exercise today, due to excess food and drink last night.....but have walked up and down the stairs many times today as i keep forgetting things.....and thinking i'm in this room, but why???
I keep opening the fridge too, an automatic motion when entering the kitchen.....and getting depressed when the only sweet thing i can find is diet yogurts. This is it though, fed up with everything being too tight, and summer is coming, and although it's too late for the bikini diet (would of needed to start that year's ago), i am hoping to get rid of a few 'extra' kilo's. My wii instructor has probably grown a pony-tail and i'm still trying to reach the goal i set for myself a year ago!!! But nevermind, I have been inspired though by other Facebook friends who are doing so well ......
Need an early night and my head is so full of 'information' (that i won't remember in the morning) so....night night
Lots of Love
Tracey XXX
P.S. Can't find my Thesaurus that's why there isn't many loooooong words today!!!
Sakis Rouvas
Sunday, March 7, 2010
I went with my husband & younger children and stood watching the main parade in town...and bumped into one of my Greek friends....stood behind us were some youngish we had full commentary on the school girls who marched past -who had the shortest skirt, biggest breasts....and longest legs...all quite amusing!!!
I'm glad my daughters didn't march today, i'm sure my husband would probably have hit them if they had said anything about them!!!
It was not til later did i realise that the hot chocolate i had been drinking had left a nice rim around my mouth/moustache...very attractive....!!! and with all the 'kissing' ( Greek greeting- left & right cheeks)i also ended up with multi-coloured lipstick on my face.
OMG it's started 'boys in the house'....not 2-5 yr olds that run up and down the stairs but teenagers, lets just say my husband is not over keen on this new development. We were invaded by them yesterday.....they seemed to multiply, everytime i left the house !!!
You try to remember what you were doing at that age, i was still very shy & hiding from my boyfriends ....(got a feeling they aren't like me???) it was later that i turned into Glenn Close from Fatal Attraction.....poor guy, no wonder i'm 'blocked'!!!
FASHION TIP.....a friend always compliments me on my 'costume' jewellery (i save my diamonds/rubies etc....for when i really go out...haha)......BUT if you want to take the attention away from holes in tights (like i always seem to have).....jeans that have been coloured in (i always have bleach spots on mine, biro works well)....and a large bottom half....then jewellery is the way forward!!!....THE BIGGER THE BETTER!!!
Oh dear Vanessa is not happy about JD's new film and 'love' scene with Ange....can't say i blame her can you? With her lips i'm surprised anyone can get away. I was always on and am still in Jens camp. Brads left at home with the kids, bet he's got an nanny though, or two or three'.....but Jude had one to....these celebs are not 'safe' wherever they are.....!!!
I can't believe i'm 'blogging' my book is calling out my i was calling 'Edwards' in my sleep last night...whoever thought vampire sex could be so erotic....Yes, they finally 'do it' in Book 4!!!
Yesterday i spent most of the day on my hands and knees with the dustpan & brush. I dropped everything you could imagine from jars of coffee, honey to herbs and spices.....i made sure that my husband handled the wine....
Mark Twain wrote 'wine is a clog to the pen, not an inspiration'......Oh, for me it's just the opposite!!! It helps the words flow......just thank god for spell-checkers when i start hitting all the wrong keys!!!
VALENTINES DAY....could not believe that McDreamy, McSteamy, Bradley Cooper & Auston were all in the same how come it wasn't particularly brilliant???.... other than the fact you got to see McSteamy semi-naked!!! and what's so great about an actress who can do a Russian accent???... you just have to live here a few years to pick one up!!!
Lots of Love
Tracey XXX
Bradley Cooper
Friday, March 5, 2010
Mr. Big
Thursday, March 4, 2010
So anyway, back to the Bone Man,( the Doc who called me a 'rabbit' the last visit and asked if i was Catholic when i replied to the no. of children i had) was actually quite sweet, and made little tutting noises and kept saying mmm "difficult...difficult "...when he realised i also had a Greek husband and i would need to rest my arm for a while!!!
To cut a long story short, it has also resulted in my lack of blogging this week due to hand/arm/shoulder pain....i was a little bit worried it was caused by my posture on the lap-top and my fast typing!!!...however, it has actually been sore for 2 mths....and having self diagnosed myself on the internet from having a swollen armpit to thinking i had a brain tumour i finally went to get it sorted out!!!
OMG would really be ..... is it Friday already???, the week has gone by in a cloud, not a nice little puffy, springy white lamb one...but more of a gloomy, dark, grey oppressive one!!!
HAIR COLOUR - does it define your personality???
I was asking myself this question....i am now 'two toned' in a reddy blonde, i used to be the ultimate 'ginger nut' as a child, and then i went 'Born Blonde', (and my life changed!!!) and although i haven't dyed it in years and it's pure Mediterranean 'sun in' has left me a bit of both, red & blonde = strawberry blonde. Which explains things, split personalities (unless i really do have bi-polar)....the fiery short tempered redheaded side and the rather dizzy, fun blonde part of me. I think i might need some highlights/lowlights for my other personalities too!!!
Then i began thinking about all the series i like with women in....Desperate Housewives, Friends, Sex in the City ,etc, etc....and there is a blonde, redhead, brunnette in all of them, the only one who is an inbetweener is Rachel from friends...sort of a brown/blonde.....Who would you compare youself to....and why??? I would like to be Carrie from Sex in the city...a writer, dreamer, a good friend to her friends and of course she gets Mr Big in the end!!! Would not be able to walk let alone run though in Jimmy Choos....!!! But Samatha has the best lines, so incredibly funny!!!
and most of them too rude to print...!!! However, this one doesn't have the 'f' word in....
Carrie :- I'm not going to replace a man with some battery operated device.
Miranda:- You haven't met 'The Rabbit'
Samatha:- Oh come on, if you're going to get a vibrator, at least get one called 'The Horse' !!!
The Oscars are coming up, i can remember watching The Golden Globes, eating a packet of crisps thinking....oh well by the time the Oscars are on i'll be looking as good as the nominees....but i won't of course the only difference is i need a bigger chair to sit on and larger size packet of crisps to fill me!!!
I haven't really been doing 'funny' this week...and haven't found any really good clips. The only film that has made me laugh out loud and really giggle uncontrollably was 'It's Complicated' with Meryl Streep & Alec Baldwin.....i really liked it. Especially when she is throwing up and he is telling her how he likes the fact she no longer has bikini waxes...and shes gone all 'native'.
Well most women i know go 'native' all winter, saves a lot of time and husbands/partners complaining where there razors/shaving gels have gone. Plus it keeps you warm. And who has ever really found a hair removal cream 'sweet smelling and pleasantly scented'??? smells revolting and only acts as a man deterrent.....which also can be useful at times....not tonight darling, i've got to do my moustache!!! they'll stay well away!!! plus you automatically lose weight when you decide to de-fuzz!!!.....AND why is it that as you get older you suddenly start sprouting hairs that you never had before???, whilst the male species shed most of there hairs on the bathroom floor everyday....and it takes you hours to clean up after them!!!
Certain German politicians have suggested that Greece sell it's islands...(can you imagine...???) and the Acropolis to pay of it's debts.....are they forgetting what they did to the Greeks in the Second World War, and what they stole etc..etc.. and what the English did to...i haven't forgotton about the marbles' ......Have a feeling with comments like this the German tourists will not be too popular this year...i've already had snide remarks from an insurance office, as i didn't have the photos (never mattered before), but he said "oh to do it the English way now".... I should of turned round and said "oh organised and efficient then!!!".
He isn't even Greek.....!!!
That's it from me....nite, nite.
Lots of Love
Tracey XXX