Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A little bit late (for everything!!!).....

OMG i have just watched the BAFTA's....i know, i know i'm a little late, (we live in Greece & i forgot BUT thank god i got to fast forward all the acceptance speeches )!!! Lots of lovely English accents...and Irish & Scottish....and well dressed men of course. Prince William a complete hottie....amongst many, that will be featured later on in the week...

Our blood sucking vampire boy was a real disappointment with yesterdays hair...and even worse his day dreamy girlfriend who looked as if she'd be seriously sniffing s'thing before she drifted onto the stage to accept her award & mumble and itch her scalp!!!

THUMBS UP...Brad/George/Clive Owen/Sexy Screen Writer (didn't know they actually existed...)and my man from 'Hangover'!!! AND please tell me why the make-up artists/fashion designers are always the worst dressed and could do with a complete make-over themselves???

Just a small blog tonight.....looooooong day....with strikes and no school!!!....and baking Easter biscuits ( you can freeze them you know..), but we ate all ours....!!! Nothing lasts long in this house if it is sweet and unhealthy!!!

I stumbled across a video clip that i enjoyed this morning which i'm hoping to post, hopefully even on this page....!!!...It's of a comedian probably have seen it already, but it put a smile on my face....what a guy!!! Who cares if his hair is thinning and he isn't your average hollywood type!!!

I finally get myself a bank card, after soo many years living in Greece, but now i can't remember where i put the pin....and i already lost the first card....and the pin before that, so ended up having to que for what seemed like hours this morning (wasting valuable coffee time).....with 2 children that talked...quarrelled and embarrassed me with comments ....."have you still got a sore bottom mummy", when i wouldn't let both of them sit on my lap!!! AND "why are we getting money from the bank, daddy said we don't have any, and we have to eat stones"!!!! (Greek saying for being broke)....and "ohhhh i know who you mean, the fat lady from Marmari"....when i asked them if they remembered the guys wife i was talking to. Thank goodness s'times other people can't understand what we are saying.!!!

I was also wishing i could buy a 'MY SISTER CUT MY HAIR' t-shirt....after the strange looks we/she was getting......i felt i had to explain to everyone, even people i didn't know!!!

The trouble is (or the good thing i guess), you live on an island (small) long enough, you get to know alot of people. So a walk around the town leaves you exhausted from hand signals to facial expressions...i'm sure that's why i have soo many wrinkles you know, and why my right arm hurts all the time (nothing to do with sun & typing and joining mindless fan groups on Facebook!!!!)

I am now going to attempt to read before falling asleep. Little bit worried about this prospect, it's a big heavy book and usually i get tired whilst holding them up and they rebound with my nose several times....!!! Possibly might just go to bed instead....have the hospital (again) to look forward to in the morning.....

Lot of Love

Tracey XXX

P.S It's now the morning after....woke up to no hot water, a television that has been only funtioning in Norwich City colours all week and has now died...and a kettle ready to go.....bollocks seems to be the only word!!!

P.P.S. Was in and out of the hospital in 2o mins this morning....amazing it didn't hurt a bit!!! Hot doctor alert/could have been a nurse??? (some male greek version of McDreamy)...worth showing a bit of lung & having some radiation for!!! XXX Although i just went in for stitches (which i can now spell) and got the female nurse!!! Kisses....

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