Saturday, March 27, 2010

PART 2 (???)

OMG would have to be OMG i forgot the OMG in Part 1, and possible OMG i just flashed at the neighbours, and if that isn't bad enough they are having some kind of party over there...(mental note to remind teenage daughters to wind down the shutters properly!!! and i'm gonna kill them when they get home for not doing so!!!)


If you ever set your foot in my door at this time in the morning (after school run), you would be(like me) in 'shock and awe' and wondering if the place had been burgled. That's how bad it is. I really could do with a small tractor with a scoop on the back, just to go around picking things up, ranging from cornflakes that have been tread into the rugs, Polly Pocket (every Mothers horror) and discarded clothes....a mountain of them.....on floors and chairs, and i thought girls were supposed to be tidy???

It's no wonder i feel the need to get out for coffee (and air) fast most days!!! The sooner the as not to look at it!!!

Coffee mornings, well with beautiful and funny friends like mine (you have to have a certain personality to live on this island, and a good sense of humour!!!), it's a bit like 'Friends' meets 'Sex in the City'...meets 'Desperate Housewives' although 'Desperate' only in the sense that there are not enough hours in the day.....and most us are pretty desperate to get off 'The Island'....for a few hrs at least. You get to the point where 25KM of beautiful landscape, sea and mountains just doesn't do it for you want Marks & Spencers, Tesco's and a few wines/pints or pints of wine even, at your (old) Local Pub!!!

BY THE WAY, most of us are seriously depressed by now and eating stones.....!!!(but, we always find money for a cup of coffee....somehow....!!!)
MARCH is usually a difficult time for 'us' Islanders ( who's businesses are only open from May-October, even though we still have to pay rent, taxes,and now more taxes, and probably more taxes on top of those taxes...!!!) and insurance...which is are pockets are pretty empty and we're hanging on just with our Visa cards...counting the days till the planes start coming!!!!

Usually (after coffee) i am then seen sprinting over someones grass....main park... in the hope that i will not get reprimanded (again) for being slightly late to pick up one of the children from school.

LUNCHTIME in our house you need a microphone to speak, but ear plugs i usually find more useful!!!....You're lucky you actually get chance to eat, because it's pass this, pass that...up and down to the get what I've forgotten to put on the table, left in the microwave or fridge!!! Or sometimes it's still at the etc etc!!!

Afternoons, depending on the weather and how much energy is left after exhausting housework and endless drinking of coffee, can be spent at the park. If only they would supply headgear and knee pads, as my children seem to be always falling over and again rescue remedy comes in handy as does plasters and antiseptic cream. The beach and the sea is another option,and usually safer, which we are lucky to have so close by, and are surrounded by it!!!

Home to eat (again) Monopoly/Snakes and Ladders etc etc...watching the clock on countdown to bedtime. BUT you've still got bath time to survive yet!!! God help you if it's a hair wash beginning to think that once a month is quite acceptable, natural oils and all.

Is it no wonder by the time you read your little ones a story, you're lucky you don't fall asleep before Mr McGregor gets to the Greenhouse....but you can't as you've still got to pick up/take your other children somewhere, and all you want is a relaxing bath and a (few) chilled glass(es) of wine.

But no, you force yourself into doing your Wii feel mildly chuffed when the instructor tells you, you have fantastic abbs, and you get so good at the step, you are able to write your shopping list for the next day at the same time!!!

NEXT comes the ironing, which if you have something decent to watch it's not so bad....(but it's a bit like sex at our's not so bad once you're doing it, but the thought of it sometimes can be daunting!!!)

Although you love your husband/partner, by the time everyone is finally in bed, and you have some 'me' perhaps obsess over the latest Vampire book, or read magazine articles on 'How to Survive the Menopause'....and you've had a few glasses of wine to unwind, all you really want to do is SLEEP!!!

SO ON THAT NOTE...GOODNIGHT ....but (P.S) i have a New Blog called 'A little GREEK ISLAND' - photographs and diary. The reason for this is i'm hoping to be offered free coffee from all the places i mention....(i told you, times are tough!!!)
Summer is on it's way, AND you can always change your religion and wear a Burka/Full body dress if you've left it too late for that ideal bikini body...!!! Also you would save vast amounts on sunscreen protection.

NEWS - HONESTLY- HAVE NOT HAD MUCH TIME TO WATCH/LISTEN.....too busy with other things??? But will have a read up now, whilst waiting for my daughters to come back from a nightclub/school party.

Lots of Love
Tracey XXX

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