Sunday, March 7, 2010


TODAY is the 7th March, a special day for all of us living in the Dodecanese was this day in 1948 that the islands finally became Greek again, after years of tyranny, wars & occupation. Parades through the streets and dancing in the squares.....a holiday to celebrate all that is there's (and not for sale!!!).....Now if we can all get through the next few seasons without going bankrupt (from high taxes....and 'living' in general) we might just be able to stay here!!!

I went with my husband & younger children and stood watching the main parade in town...and bumped into one of my Greek friends....stood behind us were some youngish we had full commentary on the school girls who marched past -who had the shortest skirt, biggest breasts....and longest legs...all quite amusing!!!
I'm glad my daughters didn't march today, i'm sure my husband would probably have hit them if they had said anything about them!!!
It was not til later did i realise that the hot chocolate i had been drinking had left a nice rim around my mouth/moustache...very attractive....!!! and with all the 'kissing' ( Greek greeting- left & right cheeks)i also ended up with multi-coloured lipstick on my face.

OMG it's started 'boys in the house'....not 2-5 yr olds that run up and down the stairs but teenagers, lets just say my husband is not over keen on this new development. We were invaded by them yesterday.....they seemed to multiply, everytime i left the house !!!
You try to remember what you were doing at that age, i was still very shy & hiding from my boyfriends ....(got a feeling they aren't like me???) it was later that i turned into Glenn Close from Fatal Attraction.....poor guy, no wonder i'm 'blocked'!!!

FASHION TIP.....a friend always compliments me on my 'costume' jewellery (i save my diamonds/rubies etc....for when i really go out...haha)......BUT if you want to take the attention away from holes in tights (like i always seem to have).....jeans that have been coloured in (i always have bleach spots on mine, biro works well)....and a large bottom half....then jewellery is the way forward!!!....THE BIGGER THE BETTER!!!


Oh dear Vanessa is not happy about JD's new film and 'love' scene with Ange....can't say i blame her can you? With her lips i'm surprised anyone can get away. I was always on and am still in Jens camp. Brads left at home with the kids, bet he's got an nanny though, or two or three'.....but Jude had one to....these celebs are not 'safe' wherever they are.....!!!

I can't believe i'm 'blogging' my book is calling out my i was calling 'Edwards' in my sleep last night...whoever thought vampire sex could be so erotic....Yes, they finally 'do it' in Book 4!!!

Yesterday i spent most of the day on my hands and knees with the dustpan & brush. I dropped everything you could imagine from jars of coffee, honey to herbs and spices.....i made sure that my husband handled the wine....

Mark Twain wrote 'wine is a clog to the pen, not an inspiration'......Oh, for me it's just the opposite!!! It helps the words flow......just thank god for spell-checkers when i start hitting all the wrong keys!!!

VALENTINES DAY....could not believe that McDreamy, McSteamy, Bradley Cooper & Auston were all in the same how come it wasn't particularly brilliant???.... other than the fact you got to see McSteamy semi-naked!!! and what's so great about an actress who can do a Russian accent???... you just have to live here a few years to pick one up!!!

Lots of Love
Tracey XXX

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