Wednesday, November 21, 2012


The last few days I was running around like a woman on go faster pills to get to the finish line....which is where I am sitting right now.  On the couch, coffee (contemplating another mince pie)and watching out of the corner of my eye (so glad I can touch type), the second round of house programs in rainy England...with my parents AND IT'S WONDERFUL!!!

So having dropped the kids off at school yesterday, I found myself singing ' I am flying' whilst driving to the airport.  Then with a pen in one hand and a very expensive cup of coffee in the other started writing my first blog post in months!  Feeling rather sick too.....nerves perhaps...or the cheap wine the night before!

Bad weather was reported to be heading our I climbed the steps of the plane with thunder rolling in the distance, I found myself praying...another thing I haven't done in a long time!

I felt alone, strange....but with a real sense of freedom too.

Today would be the beginning of  a week of rest, relaxation and spending some time with my parents.  The first time I had been without attached little people to my hips and hands for years!
Just it's sad due to the circumstances of my visit home.

With a bag full of magazines and books, I was looking forward to sitting back and enjoying the ride!

The journey went well, amazing how quick you can get through all those mazes to the passport controls and down all the long corridors when you having got wee feet with you....and mummy questions to answer.

From planes to coaches...from Kos to Athens, Athens to English soil...the rain never stopped.

I just couldn't wait to the morning...when I would surprise my mum.  Everyone in the family (and most of my friends) were in on the that I had been planning for more than a month.

So in true NOT so Greek Goddess style I must write a fashion I will write about my latest boots which the guy who owns the shoe shop choose for me....I feel a bit like fat cat in boots or a pirate but apparently they are 'in' and they are really warm and cosy.  So much for being able to show off my newly pedicured feet that was a gift voucher - thanks Brooke!
So with boots made for walking I certainly got around the airports fast. Long boots are great if you are on a budget cos if you can only afford new shoes this season...and no new jeans you can wear them on top of your last season's crop jeans....and no one will ever know!

In the news it's the same doomy headlines as Greece sinks further into the underworld which has been caused by corruption and mismanagement for so many years.  Time management teams are what Greece really need...and systems that work as well of course people that haven't given up hope and politicians that can hold their heads up high and walk beside them.AND NO MORE AUSTERITY MEASURES!!!

Laughter is the only medicine at the moment....and not very often heard these is probably one of the only 'medicines' that people can afford if they are living in Greece although, it's in short supply. too!!!

I chuckled to myself on the plane when they came around with the charity bucket....asking for donations to help give inoculations to children in third world countries.....If I remember rightly we have been waiting for quite a few important injections for children living in Greece....
of course I still put my hand in my pocket....

So over and out as the rain continues to pour....and the Indian take-away will be here soon!

It's Great to be here.


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