Saturday, May 8, 2010


I finally took a picture of my computer, which was once a lap-top and is now on an (old) table top connected to an even older monitor, soooo old fashioned that our teenage daughters don't even want it in their bedroom!!!

I guess, you can see their point!  It's taken over the whole kitchen.  I almost gave myself a hernia trying to lift it!

Anyway, my notice board caught my attention.....AND.........

let me see, yep, lots of lovely artwork,  shopping receipts, recipes cut out of magazines (that I'll never get round to ever making)...One for scones even. Never make plain or cheese ones, the sultanas help with Plan B- Rock cakes, which mine always turn out like anyway!!!

There are photo's of myself slimmer, (and wrinkle free) - aged 10 !!!...which are meant to encourage the weight lost/beauty programme, although I'm actually sitting here with  ice-cream dripping on the keyboard!!!  Probably 3 kilos worth, why do friends do that??? 
"I bought ice-cream for the kids"........knowing that you are on a diet, of course you refuse when offered and then just scoff the whole lot after they've gone anyway!!!

BACK TO THE POINT..... somewhere UNDER that lot you will actually find the emergency No's! 

I can really see me sifting through that and finding them, even on a normal 'panic less' day!  Let alone, touch wood, if something was to occur.  BEST move those to the front and highlight them.  Or even better, next to the phone!!!

What was it the other day i was looking at on the Health Section???  Oh yes, it was a whole page on 'Whether you should go to The Emergency Room'.....for example it this if your child is choking....then a list of questions. 

1) Is your child having difficulty breathing?
2) Is your child unable to swallow?
3) Is your child coughing continually?
4) Is your child turning blue?

OFGS are you really going to sit down at your computer and look this all up, if he/she is??? I mean....honestly!!!  It  then stated, if your child is showing any signs of these symptoms you should proceed straight to the hospital.....!!!  What a waste of time, your child  has NOW turned purple by the time you've remembered your passwords, let alone managed to type the right address and read it!!!

I am so glad that I will hopefully be attending an Emergency First Aid Course this month, although a little bit disappointed we have to practice on dummies instead of male models!!!

By the way, most of the girls that live here have rescued more than one infant/child from a pool ( I know I have), not sure what makes people think that they can JUST sit back on their sunbeds and read their books/sleep even, whilst their wee ones are wondering around pools without armbands etc!!! 

OMG would have to be The Elections in England, there were more comments about The Championship League on Facebook in fact!!! (on my home page anyway!).  Mmmm "Hung Parliament', sounds doomed to me!!!


Khaki is in, (thank god, because I'm still wearing Khaki from the last time - the same summer dress which comes out year after year!!!)  I also found a shop that had slightly under the knee line dresses, instead of high thigh ones!!!  Just need to find a rich man now though. 60 Euro each, and I liked about 10 of them!!!  Prices have already started to escalate, as if they could go any higher???

A friend and I discussed today, that it would be cheaper to book ourselves  (and kids),  into  An All Inclusive Hotel for the summer, and eat/drink as much as we want, (no cleaning up afterwards),  than try and feed a family with the supermarket prices.  (Are husbands would obviously be working.....!!!)
We also laughed that we wouldn't need any clothing just swimwear, flip-flops and perhaps a wrap for the night!!! 

There is also fantastic entertainment for the kids, and kiddies clubs  too. Probably tons of  of inter-net places, so no-one will have to fight over the computer, it's certainly worth considering.  Plus you get a cleaner every day, not much washing, no ironing.......sounds perfect!!! NO WATER/ELECTRICITY BILLS AND NO NEED FOR  PETROL (we'd rent bikes) garage charged 1.61 a litre tonight! AHHHHHHH!!!
The thing is....we just might have to stay permanently.....along with everyone else who lives here.....!!!
On that happy note (again), I shall say goodnight, just off to pack my suitcase!!!

Lots of Love

Tracey XXX

P.S.  Please do not think i am trying to promote ALL-Inclusive Holidays, totally the opposite.  They are destroying Greece.  The companies are selling these style holidays so cheap, most of the money stays in the hotel, very few guests actually take a walk outside the premises, let alone spend anything.  The result over the last few years is that many small businesses are unable to 'stay alive'.....and with the economic situation and all the taxes that the Greek population have to pay,(especially now) it won't just be the small ones that are struggling to survive.

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