I was soo busy yesterday thanking everyone (and eating cake) that i never had chance to write !!! I was 39....yep, now i only have one year left to do all those things you say you'll do before the BIG 40. Mine were...run a marathon (possibly could do it on the wii, i'm sure if i bought some of those lycra shorts i would look the part)...and if i stop every now and again for water/wine i might be able to manage it. I could even do my housework/ironing and jog up & down, as long as i have the remote with me....!!! On a more serious note I always said i would write a book, well a blog is a starting point isn't it???, a stepping stone...!!! ????
My OMG feature would have to be that i actually forgot the wine that was chilling (again) last night...and it was frozen solid, unbelieveable i know.....so there was no after birthday hangover this morning, as by the time i had managed to defrost it...and tried to get the bloody cork out i was no longer in the mood for it anyway!!!..
I also started to read the last in the Vampire series so really I'm surprised I'm blogging at all....
Well this is the third edition of my blog...so i now am a 'REAL BLOGGER'!!! This morning as i was walking around the town, actually more like stumbling (in new birthday boots), i held my head up high thinking....this is it, i am no longer just a mother i am an official Blogger....now where did i park the car? I also was surprised when an old man let me pass him. until i turned around and caught him staring at my behind....really!!!
I missed the 'taking out stictes' time at the hospital today, even though they were idly sitting around doing nothing...i had actually been putting it off all morning. So now have to spend another night with attractive blue cotton dangling from my neck!!! Possibly tomorrow also....with strike on at the hospital (and in schools)......surprise, surprise.... there hasn't been any public holidays this week, and a full weeks work might be potentially hazardous!!!
'Hottie of the day' has to go to Brad, feel so sorry for him, how could Angelina find him 'boring', i'm sure most of us wouldn't mind that....we don't need him to talk!!! Just seeing him with the kids is enough for most of us to go at the knees... Any men reading this, take note -it turns women on more when they see a guy acting the good father...playing with their kids than a nice bum, although that helps too!!!
If my husband and i were famous would we be called Dimsitracey???....
News...basically it's all about oil (The Falklands) or religion, (Terrorism) like most of the wars...always has been, always will.
FASHION TIP TODAY - wear a hoodie to balance out if you have a large bottom....plus long dangly pompoms on string....to avert the eyes away from anything else possibly of this description!!! Warning with pompoms, by the end of the day they have usually be dipped in the washing up/catfood/....soup....trapped in the car door....down your jeans....and even in the toilet...wash after each wear!!!
That's it from me tonight, i'm off to eat the last piece of cake so i can diet tomorrow....but it's mid week, so might have to wait till after the weekend now....
Lots of Love
Tracey XXX
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