Friday, November 26, 2010


OMG, I had one of those dreams the other night where you're behind the bar and the orders are coming in thick and fast, 3 Margarita's (now did he mean pizza's or cocktails)???   Milkshakes every flavor possible, fresh juices, and club sandwiches, English Breakfast, Continental......and you've run out of glasses, you just managed to stretch the bacon on the last order and you're thinking, shit what was the first order again???  Trying not to panic cos the waiter already repeated it twice!!!.....

AHHHHHHH!!!  But then you realise of course it's just a dream.....we are in 2010....everyone eats breakfast in the hotels, oh and lunch, tea and all the other snacks and drinks in between too....!!!  They might park their backsides on your chairs and take out their packed up rolls, and even  order a small bottle of water between the four of them if you are lucky, but long are the days when you really are stressed behind the counter, unless of course you do work at an all inclusive.....and then you don't stop....ever!!!

The crisis in Greece continues....not only is it unremitting but we are being crushed and trampled into the ground.  Why...???  Well, even  if you did manage to make any money, you're taxed every way possible on it, dead or alive, and even if your business closed years ago....they still find ways of making you pay!!!

So the strikes go on, as the politicians sit in there luxury villa's wondering  where it all  went wrong, while the general public are facing  battles and  frontiers with adversity and little hope of a new and brighter future...
BUT, on a happier note it's Christmas soon. (HO!HO!HO!).....!!!.....I just hope Santa is exempt, Mary & Joseph weren't!!!


I bloody hope not, cos i would be dead having literally pulled a  piece of glass the size of a window  out of my own chest last night!!!  Then i spent the whole day worrying that maybe it meant someone near and dear to me might have a heart attack......and every time the phone rang, I jumped up expecting bad news, even when it was the Headmaster (again), I was quite relieved!!!
I think you can read into dreams what you feel or want to at the time.... (I'm still amazed that i actually have been having them, and remembering them too....!!!) 

If you're currently looking at the glass half full, the glass in my dream could symbol an illness that will go into remission.....half empty, well you're already looking on youtube for the all time top funeral songs...!!!

Yes, dreams can be interpreted any way you choose....or from a book (I have one upstairs, a little bit dusty since usually after several glasses of wine i don't seem to dream's only the last few days when  i've had a virus and pain medication , i've had to dig it out again!!!)

BUT, by the time you've looked everything up  (in Greek) that appeared in your dream, (half and hour later)you end up with something like....someone is jealous of you, maybe because the other bit in the dream says you're gonna win money, or maybe that you are about to turn does that mean have a new hairstyle or geographically ???  Mmmmmmmmm, all very confusing really.....

Or it might be as that i've had to fast (due to fear of throwing up again)....that the dreams are guiding me....or hold some divine inspiration???.....Drink wine, drink wine....drink wine......!!!

A dream is a succession of images, sounds or emotions that the mind experiences during sleep. 
Isn't it a shame though that the most recurrent ones are usually those which you are being torn to shreds by wolves.....(I blame it on Little Red Riding Hood), instead of  gently caressed by some tall, dark or fair, handsome stranger....(Mills & Boon).....ones.   The dream which you have never got passed first base, however long you lay there and will yourself back onto  the hot sand....bath.....alley....whatever!!!

Anyway, enough of dreams for today and on to:-



Christmas is coming, time to get glitzy, let your hair down & have fun!!!.....Whilst most people are looking forward to their office parties & mistletoe, those of us in Greece who are unemployed out of season (and some of us in season)....will be lucky enough to go out anywhere!!!....AND if we do....we will be carrying with us, a large bag/holdall or a wheelie- (think SEXY Air Hostess)....and WHY.... do you ask.....???  We will be bar crawling with a difference.....Drinking the contents (whatever is on offer at the time) of these beautiful items, in between the bars, as we can no longer afford the prices inside them.   Hmmmm, come to think of it suitcases could be fashionable too!!!

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you in America.

Happy list writing to all of us women's only just begun!!!!....Hope your lead up to Xmas will be stress free!!!  (Haha)

Lots of Love

Tracey XXX

P.S. Prince William is oh soooooo hot!!!  Lucky Kate.

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