Sunday, February 19, 2012

Strikes Back....!!!

Well, I guess  it is that time of year again....yep, birthday time.  The time when you start to look back and wonder ....where, oh where did  the year go, (and what did I accomplish this time?).  Not forgetting the  'OMG, look at the wrinkles', every time you dare look closely in the mirror (with glasses on) !!!

I'll have you know, that I have been kind of 'working my socks of' any way I can with helping to promote the little Greek island that my family and I, live on, and hold dear! (Thats the excuse for the bags under my eyes!!!)

It hasn't been easy either!!! OHHHHH NOOOOOO!!!!

In a world , that I love, and I chose to be part of, that is Greek, it's a learning step every step of the in  terms of communication, internet and websites times, believe me we have managed to move mountains!!!  (and reached levels of patience, unimaginable!!!)

I don't want to blow my own trumpet, but I think that you should know that and have gone above and beyond to help, from promoting the island for tourism, to volunteering in the field (and via the  internet), listening, (often being a shoulder to cry on), helping to motivate others, and generally assisting in any way they can, for the good of the island, whether it is to do with tourism, human or animal welfare, highlighting certain issues, translating every day news, green issues and environmental awareness.  I am proud to be part of such a wonderful team!!!

Not only have we achieved all of this, but we have managed to reach out to those who have wished to voice their opinions, and were never heard before ....Thanks to the Newswire, (and The Brits Abroad on facebook),  the comments, the letters to the editor, and posts that people have sent , it can be said that people (in high places) are really starting to sit up and listen to what we and our members, have to say!!! 

It couldn't of course been achieved without the dedication from all the team members, that have given up their time voluntary to do it, they deserve medals!!!

So, apart from that......(and general housekeeping duties, that I've managed to keep to a minimum),  I have written a children's adventure story (which hopefully will turn into a series), that has also kept me busy. 

I have  really enjoyed doing this, and it came 'out of the blue' as I had always thought I would write more of an 'adult' book, when I ever got round to it that is.  To be honest it was a great  excuse to disappear to the flat  and have some peace and quiet for a few hours (plus a few glasses of wine)...and write. 

I am certainly not expecting it to ever get  published, (although that would be nice, and might help us out of the financial crisis...haha!!!).  It  will be wonderful to just have it printed and then  hand it down to my children so they can read it to theirs.

Umm let me see, I daren't say much about politics at the moment because 'they'  are either all on one side, covering each others arses,  or on opposite ones tearing each other apart.  It would be good if, for once everyone could just come together for the greater good....and for the saviour of a nation. 

Hard times are upon those living in Greece as basically every ones incomes (unless you are an aging politician....or even I guess a young one), is far less than your basic living 'outgoings' for the necessary things such as a roof over your head (rent/or mortgage), food, keeping warm/having hot water to bathe your kids, petrol to drive a vehicle, pay the bills, and and.....

Most citizens openly cry, and no,  it is not because they are lazy and they haven't all paid their taxes, no they are just anyone else!!!  The sums just don't add up anymore!!!

So,  many rumours going around the internet at the moment, all I can think of is that with all the new bail out rules, austerity measures to be inflicted on the nation and promised organisation, Greece might as well be 'occupied' again.  Yes, some organisation (as well as corruption must be stamped down on), needs to be implemented, for the country to move forward, but really, isn't it just moving backwards again, and aren't they just being held by their balls?

And people wonder why there is a revolution...and strikes........!!! ?????  Helllooooo...........???!!!

So enough said and on to fashion....Ummmm, is all I can say.  From a girl about town who knew what was in all the shops to a girl who just shoves on what isn't in the ever increasing wash pile...that could be a difficult subject right now.  The thing is, it's carnival time, so whatever.....goes!!!

As far as hotties, well,  being involved in a slimming group lately, a bar of chocolate or a  tube of pringles would send me to unimaginable heights right now (who needs 6 packs, only if they are kitkat ones and on offer)!!!

So, all in all, I guess I have had to grow up this year (although, I still can't spell or punctuate!!!) and for those of us in Greece, have had to keep smiling (through clenched teeth)!!!

Love to all of you, and I hope the Goddess in me or the 'NOT so', will have a come back SOON!!!

Love Tracey