Friday, April 30, 2010



 Has to be the terrible state that Greece is now in......I mean wow, it is now classed as 'Junk', or the National Debt is.  In the last month, most of the men & women have lost their pride in the Nation that has seen philosophers, mathematicians, poets, play writers,  founders of medicine, law courts, DEMOCRACY.  How could a government have possibly got into this state?

Men (and women) are going grey,  losing their hair, having heart attacks, the divorce figures are probably soaring as no doubt the suicide figures.   People who have worked all their lives, are losing out on their pensions.  Anything that can be taxed, is being taxed now....and the citizens are of course paying for the mistakes of those in power!!!  I just hope I'm going to get my family allowance....because I owe my mum most of it!  Thank god, she just lived in Germany and has no German blood in her....I wouldn't be able to afford the interest rates!

What's it like in Australia?  Shall we all move there?


You have winter clothes and summer clothes.....but no longer can afford spring and autumn.

You buy shoes that multi-task....act as a trainer, sandal, and beach wear!!!

Your clothes are too small, and you cannot afford any new you ooze out of them in every direction!!!

Your cupboards are full of lentils, beans, spaghetti and rice....but not much else!!!

You finally have to learn to sew and darn!!!

You've had to cut off...your cut offs....!!!

Oh...I'm sure there are a whole lot more we can all think of, but gotta get ready to go out soon. The last time I went out with these particular friends (and my husband), I ended up waking up on the bathroom floor at 6.00am, not looking my best!!!  AND the whole taxi drive home I felt like a teenager again, in the fact that I was praying that I wouldn't be sick....!!!  So tonight we are actually going to eat first.....!!!  I'm soo looking forward to something other than Special K!

Having overdosed on Special K for the last 3 weeks I can say I've lost 3 kilo's........not bad considering the size of the bowls.  My daughter has of course made me feel on top of the world this week with comments like....'My mummy is spotty"....when having to describe me at school..........I hope she was talking about my freckles.  During a trip to the (Chinese), yes, I have to shop there to now...I was remarking on the fact you would have to be ultra thin to get into most of the dresses, and  her answer was, yes, couldn't because you are really fat!!!  Well, thanks hon!  Plus, I'm still waiting for my husband to realise I've had about 3 inches or more cut off my hair......

April is Sjogren's Awareness Month

Which is a perfect time to mention that it is one of the auto-immune diseases that I suffer from!  Luckily, I have more good days than bad, and compared to some, mine is very mild.  When i was finally diagnosed, I was so relieved that (having had a lip biopsy), I didn't have cancer....and that I wasn't actually going to die.  That I never took it very seriously.  BUT, it is a chronic illness, painful, frustrating, confusing to most.....and can cause so many little and more serious complications.  At times I've had problems with my heart, lungs and kidneys.

Your immune system actually overreacts, and starts to attack places it shouldn't.  With Sjogrens it tends to affect the salivary glands, and moisture areas...common features are a dry mouth, constant sore throat, difficulty in swallowing and painful, dry eyes.  But for most of us it causes sooooooooooooo many other problems to!  Look it up if you have time.....

I always joke about my bones creaking, hands hurting, sounding and looking sometimes as if i've smoked 100 fags a day.  I always carry huge bags....with all different lotions and potions inside that help....and that I know most of the doctors on the island.  It is a 'bummer' though, but could be worse!!!  Its' great to be part of the Support Groups on Facebook too, being able to discuss aspects with other sufferers and they know exactly how you are feeling.

On a bad day, it's as if you've been run over by a bus, stabbed in the back and chest, have needles stuck in your eyes, and have had petrol poured down your throat....(I think!!!, not that I have experienced any of those things...or want to!!!)....AND you could quite easily fall asleep anywhere!

UMMM, god this is meant to be FUNNY, and so far it is ALL DOOM AND GLOOM.......OHHHHHHHHH!!

We need some' Hot Men' to look at, so we don't actually have to think about anything else all day!!!

Sorry gotta go....Keep smiling...

Lots of Love

Tracey XXX

Chance Crawford butt

Chance Crawford butt
Originally uploaded by alekzmx
A bit young but who cares...X0X0 !!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

+[ Johnny Depp: drop dead gorgeous ]+

Pamela and I are in the kitchen with Johhny!!! She's helping me copy and paste, amongst other things!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

SHORT AND SWEET, POSSIBLY ...PITHY??? (which i now know means concise)

 OMG would have to be that my youngest daughter got scissor happy (not with her hair this time), but with my RADLEY (designer) handbag.  She cut off the little doggy, which as everyone in the know, the main part of the bag, and in my case, almost bigger than the actual bag!  I've tried to tie it on again.....

I've also found the spell-checker , and can finally upload pics (that aren't gorgeous male specimens) to this blog..........!!!  :)


Fuller legs are in...HOORAY!!!  Just a shame mini skirts are too!!!
Apparently, having a fat 'arse', and larger than life thighs stimulate the same part in the man's brain (yes, they have one), as drinking alcohol. WOW!!!

Hey, this means we can still eat as many Pringles and Doritos as we want, and they won't have to go see a man about a dog, or just 'pop' out for some milk (all code names for the pub/cafe neon, as if we didn't know).  They can just sit and watch us, and get intoxicated!!!  AND as we get bigger, and bigger....I wonder, will they  become alcoholics???

AND THEN WHAT , "yeah man, I had to go to rehab because of my wives love handles and saddlebags" 
Well, that makes a change from all the 'sex addictions' everyone else seems to have at the moment.


I've been considering a move back to the UK, and having at least another 6 children......I really need a new car or two, and an indoor swimming pool, (I'm going to really miss the sea).   Do they offer those on benefits as well???  Especially if Greece goes back to the Drachma, I've only just got used to the Euro!!!

The latest article I was reading on BLOGS....suggested, you write short 'pithy' posts,  and don't write about your cat, partner or kids, Oh dear then, that just leaves the swiffer.....better go!!!

Lots of Love

Tracey XXX

Ohhh, almost forgot, I must 'insert' a's late and i can't spend hours 'googling hot men', not when my husband keeps walking into the kitchen.  I've just told him i'm promoting the restaurant (again!!!)

At least he's not wearing his glasses!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Josh Duhamel

Josh Duhamel
Originally uploaded by Ohh God!
There was a full nude shot, but don't want to give my mum a heart-attack, as my dad prints them all off for her!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I'm sitting here with a 'fluffy teddy' hot water bottle, (that isn't actually big enough). It's obviously only child size, it just about covers my navel!!!....I need 3 to stretch across, and a few for my back too. Why did god have to put us through all this suffering every month???. Why can't we just sign a paper when we officially don't want to be a baby making machine anymore???

Our breasts are for feeding our off-spring. (Yes, i know, men kind of forget that). A constant worry from the age of 10 til ??? Are they going to grow??? When can i stop stuffing my pale blue butterfly AA with socks....and then, when they rapidly do start to fill out, it's how can i stop them so that i can

a) sleep comfortably,

b) can find some pretty bra's that don't have monstrous straps,

c) walk down the road without comments of "hey love are those your weapons of mass destruction???"..........!!!

AND THEN....not only have they grown, and you've gone through the whole pregnancy/breast feeding senario all you can think of is
a) buying bras with push up's, padding,& extra chicken fillets!!!

b)making mental notes to oneself(or post- its) to lift and dry underneath them, so you don't have drip marks on your t-shirts or on the floor, and

c)visiting Dr 90210!!! Except you're not sure he's gonna have enough ink!!!

THE SAME GOES FOR THE MONTHLY CYCLE that women (and those close to us) have to endure.....

"Have you 'started' yet"? and you sooo desperately want to have joined that 'women's club'....and then when it finally happens to you, you can't understand what all the fuss is about, and why the hell you couldn't wait to

a) spend a fortune on pads & tampons.

b) have extreme outbreaks of spots and oil, you are shiny...but not happy!!!

c) feel like an alien has taken over your personality, and not a nice one either. Road rage is nothing!!!

d) so tired you could nose dive into your shopping trolley.

e) all of the above AND have to tolerate the pain,sickness, headaches....and...and...and that comes with it.

you're soo happy (you're pregnant) and because you finally don't have to suffer them, HOORAY!!!( or most women don't). However, then comes the morning sickness, heartburn, backaches, varicose veins & other numerous side effects instead and swollen anatomy!!!


You breast feed for as long as you can (another break from the monthlies, if you're lucky, i wasn't!!!). BUT then you have to suffer colossal, painful breasts and sore cracked nipples,(until hormones settle) and possibly mastitis. which is almost as painful as child birth!!! Hot, swollen mountains, that you can't 'express'....!!! OUCH....

The only good thing is you finally have breasts most women (and men) can only dream about!!! (plus the baby is getting the best, and research shows your chances of developing breast cancer is lowered).
However, you are worried about 'weaning', not only because of the baby, but what are they gonna look like when you stop???

Yep, that's right, instead of them being uncomfortable when you lay down, NOW you can no longer find them, because

a) they've disappeared in size completly or

b) fallen somewhere into the armpit region!

Your next hope of never having a period again is the menopause! But from the sound of things, that's not exactly something to be looking forward to either. Manic depression, hot sweats and brittle bones, NO THANKS!!!,

I'll just keep with my hot water bottles and Ponstan, for now, and keep blogging !!!

Lots of Love
Tracey XXX


and P.P.S. Please don't let this article put you off babies & breast's all worth it in the end!!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Nick Jonas

Nick Jonas
Originally uploaded by ilovejonas.
All the young girls seem to like Nick.....I think Joe's more cool....and you??? Also has the 'eyebrow' thing going on......!!! XXX

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


OMG - I'm Free to do what i want, any old time....yeah, right!!! The children are back at school, so it gives me a few hours in the morning, to run around the house, and up and down the stairs like a crazed women (that is desperate to get on Facebook), cleaning. Time to walk the dog and enjoy the sunshine without anyone complaining their legs are hurting, and of course to drink endless cups of coffee (decaff of course), in PEACE & QUIET!!!
Actually, I could have several OMG's today,


1. My Car - It's now 13 years old and falling apart. It creaks more than me, and the
windows open and close automatically, without any switches (or not) whenever they feel for it. Perhaps i have a ghost in the car now too??? When the windows won't close, i park it in the town hoping someone might steal it.....and all the second hand clothes that are in it....still waiting to go to charity!!!

2. I've been a whole week without wine or chocolate. I've been having Blue Vodka
and crisps instead!!! (Not really)

3. I've spent hours reading about 'how to write a blog'....and 'how to generate cash from a blog'.....and i'm still none the wiser!!! It might actually help if i learn to copy & paste first!!! Every article i did read, which is a bit
late considering i've now been at it for 2 months stressed the
importance of good grammar' and uniqueness. Well ,i've kind of blended those last two punctuation and spelling is unique!!!

4. I also decluttered the bedrooms, changed the bed around (why i never thought to put it that way, i will not the kids have room to actually play!!!) AND cleaned my spice cupboard, fed up with things falling on my head, or smashing on the floor.

Of course i found hundreds (slight exaggeration) of pickled tomatoes/aubergines and other 'rather' lovely (not) 'Healthy Greek Foods', laden with ingredients such as sugar, glucose, citric acid, sirop....etc...etc and the actual fruit, which could be the healthy part...depending how long it's been sitting around in all that gunk!!!


I recently saw this article....asking do you drink too much, have feelings of worthless-ness and are addicted to shopping???
Isn't that most women these days middle aged or not??? It's all a viscous circle...we drink because we feel worthless, and then feel even worse so we become depressed. We then shop to make ourselves feel better, and when the credit card bills start coming in and we look in the mirror at our ever growing muffin top(wine bellie)..... we start drinking again!!!

Or for some...they lay in bed for 4 days in a row snorting cocaine with their husband!!! (KK) I mean who really wants to admit that???, Especially, when there are children concerned and custody issues.


I've been quite good. Walking the dog, except he stops every 2 mins to do his business, or sniff... (the vet said he should have stopped this habit once he was castrated!!! If only vets could do husbands too.) Maybe, if i actually stopped calling in for coffee & biscuits at friends houses along the route...i might actually burn off some calories!!!


I'm relieved that i no longer have to have 'Hannah Montana' on in the mornings....but miss 'The Jonas Brothers'....Now i get to hear all the latest on the news channels as i swiff. I always find the Greek news so entertaining, with their little boxes of people shouting across the screen to one another and nobody can actually get a word in, they just get louder and louder and LOUDER....!!!


People always ask you this question....after the one "how long have you been here"???'
to which i always reply "toooooo long!!!"

I MISS....of course family and friends (seeing all the children growing up, you miss out on all that) minute they are a cute bundle of blankets and pink, pink, pink ....the next it's all about the more flesh they can show (on their profile pics on facebook)....and black, black, black!!!

The pubs.....the wine bars....the clubs and working in the city. Earning a decent wage, although it usually was already spent on all of the above!!!

Scotch eggs, chips from the chippie, Captain Americas and Creme eggs....mmmmmmmmm!!! God, now i'm starving (again), and all i have in the fridge worth eating is Branston Pickle, which i managed to find today....!!!

You can actually find many products here these days....but i miss all those Pure Asia Spices, Meals in Minutes and sauces. I'm sure if i lived in England now, i would be twice the size, probably only able to shop in Evans!!!...Oh, and then of course, there is the shopping,......clothes are astronomically priced here, so a visit to Primark, and Next would be wonderful!!!

MOST OF US MISS THE easy it is to go to the Post Office/bank/get an appointment at the Docs, Dentist, Opticians, Unemployment/Insurance Agency in the UK....but here, when dealing with any of these institutions or government organisations or medical concerns, nothing actually surprises you anymore!!! AND quite honestly they all need some bedside/office manner!!! Organisation, haha, most of them aren't even computerised yet. Records, what are they??? You could visit a doctor 10 times with the same complaint which you have to explain (again), and it's up to you to remember what he gave you the last time....difficult if you have Alzheimer's though!!!


Nude colours
are in....BUT from a distance that is exactly how you look. I had to make an emergency stop yesterday when the guy in front of me must of thought the lady walking down the street was completely starkers!!!...

AND REALLY OMG I HAVE TO GO TO BED, i've just rescued another hedgehog from the dog,(it's about the 10th in the last few days, unless it is the same one???) and i'm finding it hard enough getting out of bed in the mornings as it is, and dealing with a 3 year old hypochondriac with amazing acting abilities....that doesn't want to go to school!!!

Lots of Love

Tracey XXX

P.S. OMG i can't seem to use 'tabs' anymore, apart from at the local shop. Although, they must be missing me now, as there has been no late night visits for wine lately!!! AND the last one is PLEASE join me on Facebook, The NOT so Greek Goddess (Fan) Group!!! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Originally uploaded by irrg
THINK...'.ANGE'L as in Vampire in 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer', and then 'Ange'l....and as very sexy/adorable FBI Agent (Booth) in 'Bones'.....

How come there weren't many pictures in Flicker???....He is SOOO nice!!!
None of him on his own, only this one, with far toooo many clothes on!!! XXX

Monday, April 5, 2010


How much can you eat???

Chocolate for breakfast, lunch, tea, supper, mid-night snack...and??? My fridge is still full and it is D-Day tomorrow. I know i keep saying it, but really even the maternity clothes are tight-fitting now!!!

Not forgetting thaT there is a 'School Reunion' coming up, and i soo do not want to look like a fat and frumpy housewife. A housewife, full stop is bad enough!!! I wonder if i can suddenly re-invent myself and add a few white lies......ummmmmmm let me think.

Yes, my job is really demanding (trying to decide what to cook for lunch).

I have to act as a mediator (well that's true, everyone is usually fighting in our house).

Lots of very important decisions to make (shall i put the washing out, is it going to rain?)

Deadlines to meet (can i finish the housework and still make it for coffee and manage to pick up the children on time!)

Time management skills, (if i spend 1 hour doing the housework then i'm entitled to one hour on Facebook.)

Organisational skills/multi-tasking (trying to fit in your wii activity, whilst writing your blog, talking on the telephone, and ironing)
Working under pressure (tantrums, strops & teenagers....and dealing with it all on only a few hrs sleep).

I would really love to be able to say i am SOMETHING, other than a housewife, I had such ambitions for myself when i was younger, although they did change on a day-to-day basis!!! I have friends that are now changing careers, becomming Doctors, Teachers and well known Musicians......

I wanted to be a Journalist, (although only the kind that could work in the Studios/Newsrooms and interview hot celebrities, definitely no war zones without access to a hairdryer/make-up!!!) I couldn't believe it when i reached the interview stage for Anglia Television, and i was in Mexico at the time & missed it!!!
I thought about joining the Air force, I even did a Survival Course and applied to become an 'Officer' (I had met several very good looking RAF guys at the time, and thought it was the way forward & a great social life...!!!)
Even an Actress at one point, i was VERY good at playing the sick card at work, after a very heavy night out in the City.!!!

I could also tell people that i am very creative, creative (give me some coloured card and a pair of scissors!!!)
I model (Play-doh), although i once modelled in 'real-life', it was the only time in my life (thanks to camera-magic) my legs looked actually longer than my torso!!!

I'm sure there is a whole lot more i can think of too....i'm just getting started!!!

I guess you could say i was one of those lost souls....floating...drifting...and crawling my way around, often from pub to club! AND then i decided to become a my feet didn't want to stay on the ground (and they didn't very often, after the Bar Crawls, Greek Nights & Cabarets!!!) I thought it would be the answer to all of my problems and i would get the opportunity to travel!!! Except, i ended up here,on this beautiful (small) island and even getting to the other side of the it sometimes feels like a long journey, let alone getting to another country (other than England - sometimes!!!) A Greek Hubby and four beautiful children later....and I'm almost classed/cast as unemployable!!!

would have to be I'm now eating Chocolate Crispy cakes!!! AND I PROBABLY REALLY WILL BE SICK!!!


Why is it, that when a man has those 'tongs' in his hand, and the brush to bast, that, "that" entitles them to endless cans of beer (it's obviously very thirsty work), turning over the sausages and talking about the football scores!!! So thirsty, that when all the guests have gone, you look as if you've had your own Beer Fest in your back garden!!!.
You, are the one that has shopped, carried, organised , prepared, cleaned the house from top to bottom, in fact done EVERYTHING,(opps, apart from the turning over and placing the actual meat on the grill......So why is it he's the one in the bedroom snoring his head off???)

NEWS, here in Greece, it's all been about the price of lamb, goat, and then watching the lamb, goat on the spit (cooking) in different parts of the country!!! AND how many people accidentally blew off their arms/legs/fingers whilst attempting to throw dynamite sticks during the Easter celebrations!!!

Internationally though, well, have not been watching really due to staying in the kitchen so much the last few days, baking, cooking, and EATING....!!!

FASHION TIP...It's ok to wear your old maternity clothes during the Xmas and Easter period!!! Very comfortable....!!!

Lots of Love
Tracey XXX

PS I'M TAKING A BREAK FOR A WEEK (Well, not a 'break' but just no, 'NOT the Greek Goddess', until the children have gone back to school).....when i really get a 'break'!!!